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Saturday, August 16, 2008

more pictures for viewing.

Some pictures posted here are from Chinese websites. We can view the fantabulous ceremony from a different angle, and we can keep these memories for the rest of our lives.

The 2008 Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony is already being labeled the best there every was. China has hosted the largest, and most expensive Olympic Opening Ceremony ever for the 2008 Olympics. China who has the largest population in the world used this to their advantage and used over 15,000 people in just the opening ceremony. Thats more people in the ceremony than there is people in the whole Olympic games.
The Ceremony was opened with the largest drum show ever seen. It had 2,008 drummers playing in perfect sync on the floor in amazing perfection. Next was a history lesson which was assisted by the biggest lcd screen ever on the floor. Its just too much to list. you have to see it for yourself

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